Our students are given opportunities to learn to work with others through our different interest.
Journalism students contribute to the HCS yearbook and broadcast the "Patriot Insider" which keeps students, families, and staff informed of upcoming school activities, lunch menu, sports, and so much more!
Students in Missions learn the value of helping others and spreading God's love whether that be through service opportunities or special speakers with evangelism backgrounds.
Students will enjoy starting a garden. They will learn the essentials to gardening, teamwork, and even how to host our very own farmers market if the quantity is grown for one.
Students in shop will have the opportunity to learn their way around a work bench. They will get the opportunity to utilize different tools for different projects.
Honors Club
MS & HS Students practice academic scholarship, service and leadership to others, and, above all, Christian character. National Honor Society is also available for students who meet the qualifications on a HS level.
Worship Band
Students participate in student lead praise and worship during MS/HS and Elementary chapel sessions by either playing an instrument or contributing vocal accompaniment. Other duties may include: creating lyric slideshows, copying music, and singing the national anthem at home games. This year the band will benefit from a trip to Music On Main for a tour and lesson on music production and publication.
Chess Club
Students demonstrate good conduct and sportsmanship during club meets as well as at tournaments off campus. They are constantly improving their chess skills through gameplay and exercises. The HCS Chess Club has brought home trophies & represented our school very well throughout the school year at tournaments across the state.
Student Council
Our Student Council members learn leadership & organizational skills while planning school activities for MS & HS including lock-ins, dances, field trips, etc.
History Club
Students will discuss what is going on in the news and try to relate these to historical events. Discussing this will help them learn why we need to know history so that we don’t make the same mistakes over.
Pep Band
Pep Band members progress through exercises learning their instrument, generate school spirit at our home basketball games, and represent HCS at functions such as parades and pep rallies. Pep Band will continue to meet even after the basketball season to continue to improve our skills for next year.
Study Hall
Many opportunities for Study halls are available for students to complete homework assignments during the school day, finish missing/incomplete classwork, make-up missed quizzes/tests, or just get in some extra study time.
Board Games
Students in this club learn teamwork in some board games and strategy in other board games. Everyone has fun though!
Concert Band
Under the direction of Mrs. LoCasto, concert band members work to learn their instruments. They preform at the Christmas production and at the end of year awards ceremony for the upper grade levels such as middle and high school.
Home Economics
In home economics, students learn how to make some bake goods from scratch, simple stitching, and how to create small items with fabric. We offer an entry level home economics and an advanced level.
Sign Language
In home economics, students learn how to make some bake goods from scratch, simple stitching, and how to create small items with fabric. We offer an entry level home economics and an advanced level.
Fitness Club
In fitness club, students learn how to care for their bodies through exercise. Students also uplift one another as they complete different exercises.
Drama Club
Drama club students get to work alongside our teachers in writing, creating, and presenting plays.